
      99% of people who read this sentence will stop reading this paragraph before it ends. I admit that statistic is likely exaggerated heavily, but it doesn't stop me from using it. I know if the person reading this is anything like me, their attention span is fried beyond repair. I'll try my best to keep things interesting, but I can't promise that I'm very entertaining. Now that I'm sure I have your attention, Professor, I'll move on to the meat of this assignment. I enrolled in BA223 not only because it's a prerequisite and required for my degree, but because I enjoy a good advertisement and I want to know why that is. As I’ve said previously, most of my generation has the attention span of a squirrel in an acorn famine. So we need advertisements that jump out at us, maybe even literally, if they want to retain the viewer's attention. If you were to look at me for any amount of time, I think you'd have a hard time believing that I am planning to...